Wednesday 12 June 2013

Culminating Activity

Brazil's general map to show you what it looks like.
              Ten Statistics

    One statics about Brazil is there are boarders separating the different countries in South America. It shares the land with Uruguay to the South: Argentina and Paraguay to the Southwest; Bolivia and Peru to the West; Colombia to the Northwest; and Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana and French overseas to the North. 
    Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world! It has a total area of 8, 514, 876.599 km², including 55, 455 km² of water. It has three different time zones from UTC-4 in the western states, to UTC-3 in the eastern states, and the official time in Brazil UTC-2 in the Atlantic Islands. 
Brazil's major cities

Brazil's Flag

    The climate in Brazil is tropical. It has five major climates: equatorial, tropical, semiarid, highland, temperate, and subtropical. The different 
    Another statistic is Brazil has a modern free market and inward-oriented economy. This economy is the second largest in Latin America. Brazil is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with a growth of over 5%. 
    Brazil trades a lot with the world because they grow some of the main crops we use in our life's like coffee, wheat, soybeans, rice, corn, sugarcane, cocoa, citrus, and beef. 
    Brazil has the second largest industrial sector in America. The industries range from automobiles, steel, computers, air crafts and consumer durables. Most of the purchasing comes from the United States. 
    Brazil's population is very diverse and has many different ethnic backgrounds. There's of course Brazilians, and also Amerindians, Europeans, Africans and Asians. Brazil receives the third largest number of immigrants in the Western Hemisphere. 
    The population distribution in Brazil is very uneven. Most Brazilians live within 300 kilometre of the coast. There are at least 
203, 296, 000 people living in Brazil. But most of the people live in the coastal areas. The population growth rate is 0.90% which was estimated in 2001. 
    Most people in Brazil are Roman Catholics. At least 74% off Brazilians are Roman Catholic and 15.4% are Protestants. Brazil has the largest Roman Catholic population in the world! There also 7.4% of people of are atheists, 1.3% of Spiritism and 1,7% following the African traditional religion.  
    There are many different animals that live in Brazil that don't live in any other countries around the world. Because of the tropical weather and rain forests, the animals have adapted to this environment. Larger animals like pumas, jaguars, ocelots, rush bush dogs, peccaries, tapirs, anteaters, sloths, opossums, and armadillos live in Brazil.  

Country Issues

    One of Brazil's main issue is poverty. They have a huge problem with people not having enough money and having no home. Since about 19% of the total population live in rural areas, 18 million people are poor.  Out of the whole country about 35% of the population lives in poverty. This is the largest number of poverty in the Western Hemisphere. The poor people make less than two dollars a day (in Canadian dollars). The poor communities live in disadvantaged conditions: education and health care aren't available, water supply and sewage systems, and technology and infrastructure. The poorest group of people are the women and young children. Household headed by women accounted for 27% of poor rural people. The reason why the women runs the household sometimes are because the husband have migrated to another country in search of work, or they are single parents. The child labour is still common among poor households in Brazil. One main cause of poverty in Brazil is extreme inequality, but more in the North-East regions of Brazil. The federal government improved some of the conditions in the rural population, but much work is still to be done. Most of the 4 million farms in Brazil are very small, many produce at the subsistence level. Even though there are small-scale agriculture, known as "family agriculture" it includes poor small-scaled farmers. It accounts about 70% of the countries food production and share of food exports. Therefore family agriculture's have a stronger potential of overcoming poverty, one main challenge Brazil is facing.

A chart showing the poverty level in Brazil.

This is what the homes look like in Brazil. They are built on top of each other.
The way how people live in Brazil. They hang there clothes outside to dry because they don't have dryer like we do.
The children either walk or use there bicycles to travel.

This is what a home looks like up close.

International Organization

    Organization of American States is one of the organizations that help Brazil with the people in poverty. The organization was started by the New world by Simon Bolivar, he proposed creating a league of American republic. This meeting was attended by Gran Colombia (modern-day nations of Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela), Peru, ans Bolivia. At the First International Conference of American States, they gathered together in Washington D.C, involving 18 states resolved to found the International Union of American Republics. The Ninth International Conference of American States between March and May led by the United States Secretary of State George Marshall, was the birth of the Organization of American States (OAS). 
   Some of the other countries that the OAS works with are Argentina, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Lucia, Bahamas and Grenada. They work on getting these countries in a better state because so many are suffering, and we don't want that to keep happening. Some of the goals and purposes that the OAS have are to strengthen the peace and security of the continent, provide for common action on the part of those states I them event of aggression, fostering free trade, fighting the drugs trade, and defending human rights. The OAS tries there best to do everything to help all the countries the best they can. They try helping them with all there daily they need, clothes, food, water, things like this are what we need to survive.    
This is a picture showing how they will help rebuild the homes that have collapsed.

This is one of there meetings that they had to have agree on which countries to include to help. 
There motto is "Democracy for peace, security, and development."
These are the flags of the countries the OAS helps.

How Brazil Is Related To Canada?

    Canada and Brazil are related because we do a lot of trading with Brazil for some of the most important things to us. The trade reached 5.3 billion Canadian in 2008, making Brazil Canada's second largest market in Latin America. Canadians invested in Brazil were estimated 9.2 billion Canadian in 2008/2009. We trade Brazil for coffee, soybeans, wheat, rice, corn, sugarcane, cocoa, citrus, and beef. These are things we use pretty much every day! Outside of trade policy, relations have been much warmer. The foreign-policy making groups in each country tend to value multiculturalism and human security. Canada is not necessarily opposed to Brazil's main goals of international recognition as a great power, and regional integration in South America. Canada's main goal in the region is to prevent the emergence of hostile trade blocs separating North and South America, and to ensure Canada has reliablemarket accessSub-national ties are friendly as well. Ties and exchanges between states and provinces, cities, universities, scientific research, cultural and non-governmental organizations, are important.Canadian universities and colleges received more than 4,000 Brazilian students in 1999 (a record), while by 2006, almost 12,000 visas were issued to Brazilians to study in Canada, making Canada the number one study abroad destination for Brazilians. Over a dozen Canadian Studies Centres have been established in Brazilian schools. Both countries' largest cities Torontoand São Paulo are part of a twining agreement. Approximately 50,000 Brazilians per year visit Canada as tourists, and about one third that many Canadians visit Brazil.

This is the flag that Brazil and Canada uses to show that they are partners.  
This is Prime Minister Steven Harper and the President of Brazil agreeing with a free trade agreement.

This is the wheat that we Brazil for.
These are the different type of coffee we also trade Brazil for.

    Me and my organization have three different programs to help Brazil with the poverty they have with the $10 million we got. The three programs I chose were to help educate children, to get enough food and water, and built new house. The reason why I  chose the program to help educate children is because when the children grow up they can have a better job and have better technology for them to use. We will provide books and writing material for the students to learn They can invent new technology for there country and in this way they won't be working hard to feed there family because they'll have a good job. If there are more educated people, the poverty level won't be as high because people will learn to build home cause of the school they go to. This is one way to sustain the country.

This picture shows how the school would look like inside and the children learning.

This picture shows you how the school will look like after it's being built.

    The reason why I chose the program for people to get more food and water is because people in Brazil don't get enough food and water; the waters not clean and they can't afford the food sometimes. A family may not even eat for weeks and have nothing to drink and that why they are very poor people. But if we help provide food for the people of Brazil they won't always be in a bad situation. Food and water are the two main things human needs to survive and that's why we are providing this for Brazil. We will provide different types of food for them so they will have a variety of food to choose from and it will be from all around the world so they will also be educated with the different foods. We divided the money into three equal parts so we will be using  $3.3 million out of the $10 million we got to provide the food and water.

This is the food we will be providing them with.

They will be provided with the water they nee
    Finally, the reason why I chose the program for building new home for people is because the home that people have now aren't very strong and houses are built on to of houses. So if we built new houses for people it would look like a pill of houses on to of each other, it will be more organized. The homes would be more comfortable for the people to live in. The houses will have an indoor bathroom, kitchen, living room, and rooms to sleep in. We will provide the house hold items too. In this way there will be less people living on the streets and people would be protected from any bad weather. We are providing all the need and wants for the people of Brazil so it will be a better place to live.
This is what the house will look like when it's finished being built.

The house would look like this inside.

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